Monday 9 August 2021

Demon Slayer : Kimetsu no Yaiba (chapter 31 explanation)


Chapter 31: Leting Someone Else Go First

The chapter begins with Inosuke attempting to get Tanjiro's attention by trying to throw one of the demon slayers up into the tree. However, the Mother Spider catches onto their plan and quickly kills the demon slayers shes controlling as puppets. Inosuke calls out in frustration after realizing that they're all dead and notices Tanjiro hunched over besides one of the bodies, he senses a dark aura being emitted from him and immediately agrees when Tanjiro says they need to go.

Tanjiro and Inosuke encounter the "doll"

They travel quickly through the forest and approach the strong odor of a demon, however they begin to panic as they realize that its a headless body being used as a puppet. Tanjiro attempts to formulate a plan to take down the puppet, however Inosuke charges forward and engages with the being. To his disadvantage, Inosuke sustains multiple slashes and unknowingly gets entangled by a spider's thread, he panics as the headless puppet prepares to pierce through him.

At that moment, Tanjiro quickly comes to Inosuke's defense and deflects the puppet's attacks, he manages to push back the puppet and yells to Inosuke that they need to fight together in order to defeat it. In an angered protest, Inosuke calls him out saying "I won't let you embarrass me anymore!"

The puppet charges forward to attack, however the boys prepare their counterattack together, Tanjiro bends over to evade the attack and tells Inosuke to go over his back. He successfully slices both of the daggers from the puppet and leaps into the air off of Tanjiro's box, meanwhile Tanjiro uses the Water Breathing: Third Form - Flowing Dance to demobilize the puppet by slashing its legs. As Inosuke descends from above, his jealousy at Tanjiro's skills and abilities builds up and he powerfully delivers the final blow to defeat the puppet demon.

Tanjiro is amazed by Inosuke's final cut but becomes stunned when Inosuke suddenly charges at him. Inosuke exclaims that "I can do anything you can do dummy!" and furiously throws him up into the air.

Inosuke throw Tanjiro up into the air 

Nearby in the forest, the Mother Spider Demon sits defeated on her rock after her strongest doll was defeated. She upsettingly blames Rui for her defeat since he had threatened her to do well.
As Tanjiro spots her from above and prepares to attack, the Mother Spider Demon panics when trying to formulate a plan however she comes to realize that she will find freedom and peace in death. She holds out her arms and accepts her fate. Tanjiro notices the change in her demeanor and switches from using the Water Breathing: First Form - Water Surface Slash to Water Breathing: Fifth Form - Blessed Rain After the Drought.

Tanjiro defeating the Mother Spider Demon

The chapter concludes with the Mother Spider Demon being decapitated with a merciful sword stroke.

Friday 6 August 2021

Demon Slayer : Kimetsu no Yaiba (chapter 30 explanation)


Chapter 30 :- Puppet Dolls

As the trio of boys continue to fight the possessed demon slayers, Murata advises the other two chase down the demon while he handled the swordsmen. In response, Tanjiro thanks Murata quickly drags a protesting Inosuke deeper into the forest with him.

Tanjiro and Inosuke discover the female swordsman

Inosuke and Tanjiro sprint through the forest, en route to the demon, when they stumble across a crying female corps member. She pleads with them to stay away and bring a stronger swordsman to help, warning that demon will control her to kill the remaining swordsmen.

Elsewhere in the forest, a female demon is seen giggling on a rock with excitement, as the boys come closer and closer to her stronger puppets. The mysterious boy from the previous chapter—whose name is revealed to be Rui— stealthily appears behind a tree and calls out to the demon calling her "Mother". She flinches upon seeing him and breaks out into a sweat, Rui asks her if she is capable of winning and threatens that if she doesn't do so in a timely matter, then he will tattle to his "Father".

Rui threatens the Mother Spider Demon

Mother becomes frantic and assures Rui that she is capable of the assignment and protecting him, saying that "Father" does not need to get involved. Rui backs away into the forest while ominously telling her to hurry up.

With a newfound sense of urgency, the Mother demon begins to operate the corps members with more violent jerks. The female swordsman begins to quickly lunge and slash at the boys while her bones twist and crack in unnatural ways. Tanjiro dodges her attacks and sees two other corps members pleading to be killed and put out of their misery due to the pain.

Tanjiro successfully tangles Ozaki in the tree

Without hesitation, Inosuke agrees and tries to attack them but is told to wait by Tanjiro. He begins to ponder on how to immobilize them without hurting them anymore then they already are. Tanjiro runs in the opposite direction as the female swordsman gives chase, he sprints then turns back quickly to grab and throw her into the air. The girl gets caught on a branch and remains tangled within the canopy of the tree.

Inosuke stays standing in disbelief and eagerly follows Tanjiro's lead, he grabs a nearby corps member and successfully throws him into the tree where he stays tangled. He turns to face Tanjiro and tries to mock him by saying that is capable of doing anything that Tanjiro can do. In a comical response, Tanjiro apologizes to Inosuke for not watching what he was doing which angers him.

The chapter ends with the Mother demon twitching in anger as she is forced to bring out "that doll", alluding to something more powerful.

Monday 17 May 2021

Demon Slayer : Kimetsu no Yaiba (chapter 29 explanation)


CHAPTER 29:-  Natagumo Mountain

After having been left behind by Tanjiro and Inosuke, Zenitsu begins to question his self worth. He sits alone in the middle of the path sulking, until his companion, Chuntaro, approaches him.

Trying to offer solace, he chirps in his bird language for Zenitsu to go accompany his friends as backup. However, Zenitsu brushes off his sparrow's warnings thinking about how relaxed he must be since it doesn't understand a thing about humanity. Chuntaro begins to peck angrily at Zenitsu's hand, causing him to lose his patience, he complains saying that Chuntaro is nothing compared to how cute Nezuko is and panics realizing that Tanjiro has taken her into the forest with him. Zenitsu gets up and dashes into the forest to save Nezuko.

Meanwhile within the mountain, Inosuke and Tanjiro have engaged in combat with their fellow demon slayers. Inosuke belittles their intelligence for attacking them until Tanjiro realizes that they are being controlled by an unseen force. Inosuke announces that he is going to "cut them up" before Tanjiro yells at him saying that they shouldn't defile their comrades' corpses. Angered by his words, Inosuke faces Tanjiro and headbutts him saying that he doesn't like to be told what to do.
Tanjiro and Inosuke protect Murata

In the midst of the chaos, Murata —the swordsman they discovered on the mountain—, is suddenly attacked by one of the demon slayers. The two boys rush forward to protect him and Tanjiro discovers an unsettling smell as well as threads controlling the demon slayer. He yells his discovery to Inosuke and tells him to quickly free the controlled swordsman from the threads.
Demon Slayer controlled by Threads

Tanjiro tries to search for the demon responsible but is distracted by a foul odor, in the haze he discovers small spiders spinning threads to gain control of his arms. He frees himself and discovers that they are responsible for controlling the corps members, Tanjiro asks Inosuke to find a way to pinpoint the location of the demon controlling the spiders and calls out to Murata.

In the middle of his instruction a boy appears from above, and warns the demon slayers to not "disturb the peaceful life" of his family. Tanjiro notices the young boy to be balancing on threads, before he is threatned to be killed. Inosuke leaps up into the air and lunges at the boy, and curses at him as he calmly escapes. Tanjiro yells at Inosuke to not mind the boy and find the Demon controlling the spiders. In response, Inosuke pierces his blades into the ground and crouches down to preform his Beast Breathing: Seventh Form - Spatial Awareness —a form of echolocation— to locate the shilouette of a female demon.
Inosuke locates the Demon

At the end of the chapter, the boy gazes up at the moon as he eerily chants that he will not allow anyone to cut bonds of his family.

Saturday 15 May 2021

Demon Slayer : Kimetsu no Yaiba (chapter 28 explanation)



Following Zenitsu's outrage after discovering that Tanjiro had been travelling with a girl, he comes to understand the situation and begins grovelling towards Tanjiro.

Inosuke disrespects Hisa

Their injuries have now healed from their previous endeavor against Kyogai, and they receive a message from Tennoji the crow to head to Natagumo Mountain. Just as they are about to set off, they thank Hisa for her kindness and she offers them sparks for good luck on their journey. Confused by her intentions, Inosuke loudly questions her and calls her a hag causing Zenitsu and Tanjiro to frantically intervene while questioning his intelligence. As they run off, Inosuke overhears the women wish them a good fortune and prideful lives causing him to gaze at her in confusion.


He calls out to the boys running in front of him asking for the meaning behind her words, Tanjiro goes on to wonder if she meant to not feel embarrassed to behave bravely. Still not understanding the meaning, Inosuke begins to question Tanjiro's explanation causing him to feel flustered and run faster to comically avoid his questions.

The boy gets dragged into the forest

By the time they've arrived at Mount Natagumo, night time has fallen. They prepare to investigate the mountain, but are held back when Zenitsu becomes frightened and is reluctant to climb the mountain. A sudden scent emerges, and Tanjiro discovers an injured swordsman begging for help down the path. Tanjiro and Inosuke run towards him but he suddenly lifted into the air, and pulled back into the mountain screaming for help. Tanjiro proclaims he's going to investigate the mountain before Insouke claim's he will lead as Tanjiro "tremble's in fear and follows behind.'

While climbing the mountain, the two boys notice an unusual amount of spiderwebs. Tanjiro calls out to Inosuke and thanks him for bravely accompanying him to investigate, saying how the twisted scent of the mountain had scared him but when Inosuke agreed to go, he was able to overcome his fear. Inosuke ponders on what he means, and is reminded of the kind actions of Lady Hisa, showing the beginning of Inosuke's connection to human emotions.

Demon Slayers kill each other

Tanjiro notices someone hidden in the woods and approach him, they introduce themselves as Mizunoto swordsman and have arrived as backup. The boy hidden in the brush angrily voices his distaste hoping for a Hashira instead, to which Inosuke cuts off by socking him in the face. He angrily yells at the unknown swords man and demands a summary of what has occured on the mountain. He tells the boys that a crow had brought an order to investigate the mountain and 10 Corps members had come as group, however not long after arriving, they had began to unprovokingly began killing each other. A second unconscious swordsman then appears before the boys, revealing that he is being controlled like a puppet by a mysterious female demon.

Female Demon appear 

Back at the the Ubuyashiki household, the crow of one of the swordsman has haggardly arrived to give word of what has occured on the mountain. Kagaya deducts that it has to be the work of one of the Twelve Kizuki and decides to dispatch the Insect Hashira, Shinobu Kocho, as well as the Water Hashira, Giyu Tomioka. Shinobu asks Giyu how "it would be nice if humans and demons could get along." to which he responds "as long as demons eat people, it's impossible."

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Demon Slayer : Kimetsu no Yaiba (chapter 27 explanation)


Chapter 27:- Hashibira Inosuke
Tanjiro Kamado and Zenitsu Agatsuma both note how Inosuke Hashibira's face has great complexion and beauty. Inosuke expresses great annoyance at this and tries to argue with Tanjiro, in which the latter states he is too tired to continue fighting. Inosuke reveals his full name and tells the group to remember it but falters when Tanjiro asks how it is written, saying he doesn't know how to write and then suddenly falls unconscious. Tanjiro realizes Inosuke likely received a concussion from the headbutt, and he and Zenitsu use their haoris to create a makeshift bed for Inosuke.
Inosuke wakes up a bit later and yells, exclaiming he wants to fight. He catches sight of the group and Tanjiro explains they’re burying the dead, requesting for Inosuke to help out. Inosuke is unenthusiastic about the work and demands he fight him instead. Tanjiro provokes him by replying that Inosuke probably felt too much pain to aid in such an exhausting task, telling him to rest and leave the burden to the more capable people. An enraged Inosuke takes on the challenge, quickening the pace of the burial.

Inosuke collapses from Tanjiro's headbutt

As they descend the mountain, Zenitsu tries to force Shoichi to come with him, believing him to be strong and able enough to protect him. Tanjiro pushes him off the reluctant child and reprimands him while his Kasugai Crow gives Kiyoshi an incense bag that smells like Wisteria, meant to prevent any other attacks from Demons hungry for his marechi. The Demon Slayers bid farewell to the trio of siblings and head along.
Tanjiro strikes up conversation with Inosuke and asks about his past growing up on a mountain. The latter reveals his lack of a direct family and explains his enjoyment of battles over strength, describing how he encountered and fought Demon Slayers that later told him about Demons and the Final Selection, which eventually led to him attending it despite not receiving instruction from a cultivator. Inosuke, while conversing with Tanjiro, humorously gets his name wrong multiple times much to Tanjiro’s dismay.

House with a Wisteria crest

As night falls, the Kasugai Crows lead the three Demon Slayers to a house with a Wisteria crest painted on its door, and an old lady named Hisa comes out and greets the trio, leading them into the house. Zenitsu and Inosuke are immediately rude to her, Inosuke poking her hair and Zenitsu calling her a “monster” for her speed in meal and bed preparation. Tanjiro’s crow explains how there are people who provide food and shelter for Demon Slayers without need for payment, identified by the Wisteria crest on their houses.

Zenitsu becomes enraged with Tanjiro

A doctor is called by Hisa and he notes that all of them have broken ribs. As the three eat, Inosuke tries to irritate Tanjiro but is unsuccessful and is met by his kindness instead. Zenitsu recalls the incident with Tanjiro’s box and asks him why he carries a Demon around with him. Before he can answer, Nezuko Kamado comes out of the box and grows to her original size. Zenitsu is immediately infatuated with her and comically hollers at Tanjiro, saying how he was lucky to be carrying a girl with him on his journey and how he shed blood to protect her, yelling at him until dawn.

Demon Slayer : Kimetsu no Yaiba (chapter 31 explanation)

  Chapter 31: Leting Someone Else Go First The chapter begins with Inosuke attempting to get Tanjiro's attention by trying to throw one ...